Les 10 meilleurs podologues à Toulouse

Offers to your nails and feet the best services they deserve.

Are you located on the City of Toulouse Or its surroundings?

Difficult nowadays, to entrust your feet and nails to the first podiatrist for a pedicure or a particular care. To select the one who will accompany you in probably, several sessions, a minimum of research is necessary. There good reputation and the Opinion on podologists count!

If you still can't find the podiatrist you need, ask those around you can be a good alternative. However, today you can discover the Best podologists in Toulouse that our team has selected for you.

Our list of the best Podologists in Toulouse

Marie Charlotte Irlinger

4.0 (out of 4 Google reviews)
Located 3.7 km from the city center

Graduated from the State at the Institute of Training in Pedicuria-Podology in 2008, Ms. Marie Charlotte Irlinger undoubtedly has the Best value for money in pedicuria from our list. A complete podological assessment is offered after a first podology consultation. Home care offered if necessary and very accommodating hours. Marie Charlotte accepts new patients in emergency or on appointment. The pedicuria and podology cabinet is common to two other practitioners: Madame Carré Auriane and Mrs. Lisa Benedetti. Very well located in downtown Toulouse, you can go to the office by metro or bus. Paying parking is on site if you come by car. 2th Floor with elevator, Mrs. Irlinger welcomes you every day of the week with her professionalism, her kindness and especially her good practical advice (according to Google reviews published by her patients).

    Marie Charlotte Irlinger

    Thomas Murat

    5.0 (out of 9 Google reviews)
    Located 5 km from the city center

    Discover Thomas Murat, Pédicure-Podologist D.E, Podiatrist of Sport D.U and trained in posturology, K-Taping and Orthonyxia Titane and Onychoplasty. Her Déodat-Arènes podology cabinet offers on -site pedicuria care, a podological assessment, orthopedic soles as well as small devices. Its particularity, lies in the quality of home interventions even for diabetic and nursing homes. Infected incarnated nail, thickened nail with mycosis, horn on 5e toe… etc. These epidemic and nail feet affections can be careful thanks to the pedicuria proposed by Mr. Thomas Murat. The equipment available in the office, makes it possible to carry out a postural podological assessment to link pain, and a stato-dynamic disorder. The orthopedic soles are made by the practitioner from thermoforming techniques, and foot mold. In case of recurrent lesions, Thomas offers small nail apparatus and toes.

    • Agreed : Yes✅
    • Price sections of the services offered : from 35 € to 115 €
    • Schedules : The cabinet is open on Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
    • Cabinet address: 139 Boulevard Déodat de Sévérac, 31300 Toulouse
    • Phone number : 05 61 42 08 90
    • 🔔 Position on the cabinet map: https://goo.gl/maps/B5hrTknsrek3kroS9
    • 👉 Make an appointment here: https://www.muratpodologuetoulouse.com/

      Thomas Murat Cabinet

      Sylvia Critelli

      5.0 (out of 26 Google reviews)
      Located 1.8 km from the city center

      Mme. Sylvia Critelli's office welcomes you for your pedicology-podology needs. If you are looking for a polyglot practitioner who offers services in French, English and Italian, then make an appointment in the office located in the city center, and accessible by bus and metro. Our practitioner specializes in senior podology To contribute to the autonomy of the elderly, and to prevent any podological conditions. Ms. Crinelli confirms that practitioners in podology can maintain and improve the functional capacities of patients over 75 requiring improved independence and motor skills. Sylvia intervenes in the Diagnosis of posturology, and the treatment of joint pain for example through preventive methods applied to patients in posturology. Finally, for your specific requests for tailor -made soles, the podiatrist offers conventional, or thermoformed soles based on resin. These soles are practical for the practice of sport, and your walking in town.

      • Agreed : Yes✅
      • Price sections of the services offered : from 35 € to 178 €
      • Schedules : The cabinet is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. as well as Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
      • Cabinet address: 25 Boulevard de Strasbourg, 31000 Toulouse
      • Phone number : 05 61 21 40 41
      • 🔔 Position on the cabinet map: https://goo.gl/maps/n9k9hZeLFbWt6cTL8
      • 👉 Make an appointment here: http://pedicure-podologue-critelli.fr/

        Sylvia Critelli Cabinet

        Cyrielle Bouisson

        5.0 (out of 9 Google reviews)
        Located 3.4 km from the city center

        Cyrielle welcomes you in a Paramedical group which includes other health professions: chiropractors, nurses, orthoptists, speech therapists, etc. Management is therefore multidisciplinary if necessary, as the case may be each patient. Cyrielle specializes in the following three areas: skin conditions, orthoplasties and the establishment of orthopedic soles. Mrs. Cyrielle Buisson is distinguished by her little Interesting price for a quality service. Experienced in the field since 2012, she practiced in a cabinet in Vincennes (94) from 2013 to 2016 before choosing Toulouse. The firm is accessible by public transport, and offers a development for the disabled as well. The practitioner does not welcome patients on Saturday, but offers accommodating schedules from Monday to Wednesday for consultations after 6 p.m. According to Google reviews, Cyrielle is punctual and her office is pleasant and very well appointed.

          Cyrielle Bouisson Cabinet

          Carole Gausseran

          No opinion
          Located 3.1 km from the city center

          Ms. Carole Gausseran offers her services as a pedicure-podiatrist since 1997. His great experience in the field, allowed him to be an active member in the COFEP association (French College of Studies in Podology), as well as in the CHUs of Montpellier and Clermont-Ferrand. Carole takes care of the rehabilitation of the feet and the balance of the patients following an operation or an accident. It also offers its services in both languages: French and Spanish. Ms. Carole Gausseran offers home visits and accepts new patients by appointment or any urgent request. The cabinet does not offer payments by bank card, but checks and cash payments are accepted. The office has the advantage of being located on the ground floor of a building equipped with a paid parking. A recent and well -equipped firm, you can access it via public transport (tram, metro and bus) or by car.

          Carole Gausseran Cabinet

          Pierre Gautier

          4.0 (out of 27 Google reviews)
          Located 3.4 km from the city center

          Pierre Gautier offers medical care, as well as orthopedic soles of comfort and stability. This practitioner offers its services even on Sundays, and every weekend. This is undoubtedly, the most suitable hours on our list of practitioners in Toulouse. The full list of prices is available in the office. Building point for his experience, Mr. Gautier has graduated from a state of pedicure-podiatrist at the Institute of Training in Pedicuria-Podology since 1985. He has also accumulated important experience in home care, and more particularly in retirement homes. The practitioner offers his services in Spanish and French, and offers his direct number for urgent cases even on weekends. The cabinet is located on the ground floor, and has access for disabled. If you run in public transport, the metro, the tram and the bus pass near Mr. Pierre Gautier's office.

          • Agreed : Yes✅
          • Price sections of the services offered : from 35 € to 94 €
          • Schedules : The cabinet is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Saturday from 9:45 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday from 9:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.
          • Cabinet address: 8 Interior Place Saint-Cyprien, 31300 Toulouse
          • Phone number : 05 61 42 71 15
          • 🔔 Position on the cabinet map: https://goo.gl/maps/ySbQd2uCqMkh5uq59
          • 👉 Make an appointment here: https://podologue-pedicure-gautier-pierre.business.site/

            Pierre Gautier Cabinet

            Amélie Chayrigues

            4.5 (out of 8 Google reviews)
            Located 3.3 km from the city center

            Ms. Am. Amélie Chayrigues welcomes you out of weekends in her pedicure-podology office for skin and nail pathologies. This practitioner is distinguished by his competence in his field, which offers him A great informative advantage, during consultations and through publications in his online blog. Discover dozens of subjects dealt with on its website, such as Sever's disease, the symptoms of the Hallux Valgus ... etc. Amélie offers a podological assessment, followed by a complete implementation of orthopedic soles, or plantar orthotics. Orthoplasties are also available, as well as orthonyxia. The practitioner can also prescribe topics for external use, to treat skin pathologies. Google opinions come together to confirm the good advice, support and availability of Ms. Amélie Chayrigues. Its room is very well located, and accessible by car as well as in public transport.

            • Agreed : Yes✅
            • Price sections of the services offered : from € 35.
            • Schedules : The cabinet is open from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Friday. 9:30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Wednesday and 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Thursday.
            • Cabinet address: 112 GD rue Saint-Michel, 31400 Toulouse
            • Phone number : 05 62 26 02 03
            • 🔔 Position on the cabinet map: https://goo.gl/maps/7ajvknbE73PF24F18
            • 👉 Make an appointment here: https://chayrigues-amelie.business.site/

              Amélie Chayrigues Cabinet

              Gilles MAURIET

              5.0 (on 16 Google reviews)
              Located 3.7 km from the city center

              Gilles Mauriet graduated from the IFCS Bordeaux. He specializes in the treatment of yeast infection, partridge, durgling, horn, thick nails and embodied nails. His cabinet is equipped with an autoclave for sterilization, sterile single-use instruments, a micro-motor and a turbine. The practitioner recalls on his website that the care provided to diabetic patients can be under certain conditions entirely covered by social security. The particularity of Mr. Gilles Mauriet, its ability to treat patients of all kinds: children for correction, adults for correction and/or comfort problems, people with chronic diseases, athletes and the elderly (for epidermal conditions). Gilles offers soles in thermo-moupable resin and a video detailing the procedure on its website. Home care is available at fair prices.

              • Agreed : Yes✅
              • Price sections of the services offered : from € 27 to 160 €
              • Schedules : The cabinet is open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday.
              • Cabinet address: 44 bis allées Charles de Fitte, 31300 Toulouse
              • Phone number : 05 34 61 76 58
              • 🔔 Position on the cabinet map: https://goo.gl/maps/CpjcJX2P5vF439fJA
              • 👉 Make an appointment here: http://www.maurietpedicurepodologue.com/

                  GILLES MAURIET CABINET

                  Philippe Beaufils

                  5.0 (out of 13 Google reviews)
                  Located 2.6 km from the city center

                  Philippe Beaufils have been offering for years, pedicuria care services, as a paramedical act of feet care dealing with problems that affect the skin and nails of the foot. The goal is to relieve pain, and the symptoms of foot pathologies. Among the solutions proposed by this podiatrist, the orthopedic soles for adults and for children. These soles correct dysfunctions. This practitioner is particularly distinguished by its listening, and its sweetness and sensitivity towards its customers and their requests. This is undoubtedly, what brought together the opinions on Google around an excellent note. If you have lived in the past a negative experience with a podiatrist, then we recommend Mr. Philippe Beaufils. Located just a few minutes from the city center, the firm is easily accessible by car or in public transport. Humanly, Mr. Philippe Beaufils is among The best podologists in Toulouse.


                    Philippe Beaufils Cabinet

                    Alain Vorms

                    4.0 (out of 8 Google reviews)
                    Located 3.5 km from the city center

                    Alain welcomes you by appointment by internet 24/7 in his office in Toulouse. He has offered skin and nail pathologies since 2000. He graduated from a pedicure-podiatrist in Paris. Alain has been practicing since 2003 in his office in Toulouse since 2003. You can make an appointment or have an urgent condition. This practitioner is distinguished by his skills in various sporting fields : judo, volleyball, mountaineering, paragliding skiing and triathlon. The management of his patients includes making tailor -made orthopedic and postural soles, pedicuria care as well as the use of other devices. Alain obtains his DIU of clinical clinical posturology validated in Toulouse in 2012. If you are a beginner or high -level sportsman, you will necessarily find suitable support from Mr. Alain Vorms. Do not hesitate to ask for advice during your consultation.

                    • Agreed : Yes✅
                    • Price sections of the services offered : between 32 € and 90 €.
                    • Schedules : The cabinet is open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday. From 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday.
                    • Cabinet address: 85 Grande rue Saint-Michel, 31400 Toulouse
                    • Phone number : 05 61 52 54 29
                    • 🔔 Position on the cabinet map: https://goo.gl/maps/VzQWnZeBU9LjGXao6
                    • 👉 Make an appointment here: https://www.doctolib.fr/pedicure-podologue/toulouse/alain-vorms


                      Alain Vorms Cabinet

                      Estelle Canac

                      4.2 (out of 5 Google reviews)
                      Located 1.8 km from the city center
                      Estelle Canac Podologist Toulouse, is specialized in posturology And exercises her functions within her cabinet of Victor Hugo since 2006. A cabinet she has shared with Mme. Laffont. A specialist in the fields according to its customers and their opinions. Estelle has demonstrated her skills since her first state diploma won in Paris. Estelle also ensures the treatment of psoriasis, the treatment of trachyonychia and other nails diseases linked to mechanical, biological and chemical trauma.

                      Photo Cabinet Estelle Canac

                      Soufiane Boualami

                      5 (on 40 Google reviews)
                      Located 4.7km from the city center
                      Based in the multidisciplinary health center Health Care, Soufiane Boualami manages her cabinet Boualami Sport Consulting By specializing in different sports disciplines Like skiing, football or running. Therapist of sport since 2012, he is also a volunteer member in the Air Pod association. Soufiane published her work on Wearing safety shoes, through a complete memory on the subject. This practitioner is also fitness trainer For high -level athletes.

                      Photo of the Cabinet Soufiane Boualami

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