Les meilleurs podologues de Clermont-Ferrand

It is always very important to treat your feet, because they are useful to us every day. It is also because they are used daily thatA pathology can quickly happen. To remedy this, there is a solution: Consult a podiatrist. The latter, in addition to giving you an accurate diagnosis, will be able to offer you a suitable solution to relieve and cure your plantar disease. In addition, podologists are also, the vast majority, pedicure: they will treat your sore feet by the cors, the ingrown nails etc.

If you have a pain in the feet and You live in Clermont-Ferrand or in the surroundings, do not hesitate to consult one of the Best podology firms of the city, selected by us.

Our list of best podologists in Clermont-Ferrand


Cabinet Soulier Chometon Faure

4.2 (on 39 Google reviews)
Located 1 km from the city center

Cabinet Soulier Chometon Faure de Clermont-Ferrand is one of the three cabinets administered by Clément Chometon And Thomas Faure. These two podologists, thanks to their combined training, can provide you with complete care in all areas. Indeed, both they master K-TAPING, Plantar reflexology, posturology, sport podology And many other care. Although some people have been unhappy with their care, they represent only a small minority, most of the patients being very satisfied. So, whether you come for your posture, for orthopedic soles or for pedicuria care, you will be well received in the Cabinet Soulier Chometon Faure.


Jean Daniel the Pope

4.4 (on 37 Google reviews)
Located 800m from the city center

Jean Daniel the Pope is undoubtedly the most popular podiatrist in Clermont-Ferrand, attests to his 37 reviews on Google, in the vast positive majority. To achieve this result, according to him, it is enough to have experience (Over 20 years For him), new technologies and a modern care room. This podiatrist is a specialist in pododiabetology, and is thus a member of various associations such as diabetes 63. It therefore makes him the best podiatrist in this area in Clermont-Ferrand. Jean Daniel the Pope can be noted that he likes to use the use of innovative material To make ever more precise and suitable diagnoses.

Jean-Daniel Le Pape-Cabinet


Republic podology

4.6 (out of 11 Google reviews)
Located 1.8 km from the city center

The Podology Podology Cabinet is also made up of an association between two podologists : Latard-Baton Anaïs And Pauline Szyjka. The latter have done everything together, which is why they have the same skills. Both have undergone the same training courses, so you will have the assurance of complete follow -up, whatever the podiatrist who will take care of you. Besides K-TAPING certification and skills in Oncological podology, they are also specialized in posturology. It is important to note that they both hold the Pod key, which allows you to be reimbursed for part of the consultation and orthopedic soles by health insurance. This cabinet has its place in this top 3, given the unanimous opinions concerning the two podologists, rented for their sweetness and quality monitoring.

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